Thursday, March 30, 2006

Play Hard, Sleep Hard

Today we broke out a new toy for Clark to play with. It is called a Play 'n Pat Water Mat (I like how that rhymes). Clark was a little bewildered at first, but decided he liked the toy after thorough study. He liked to suck on the plastic covering (hence the Adult Supervision Required signs plastered all over the toy), and then when he got tired he decided to use it as a pillow (is he his mother's son or what?).

Earlier in the day, he accompanied me on all of my fun errands to play group (it's really my play group right now), another friend's house, and then the post office. When we got home and I went to get Clark out of the car, I saw that BOTH Clark and Lion were tuckered out.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Commercial Baby

Today is Clark's 4 month birthday and his well baby checkup. While we sat in the waiting room, the nurses commented on what a cute baby Clark is. One even said "He is a commercial baby, you can't say THAT about every child who comes in here." Clark was totally playing it up too, cooing, smiling, and laughing all the way.

When we took Clark back for his measurements, I thought he was going to break the baby scale when I laid him on it. Here are the results:

Weight: 19 lbs. 14 oz. (97th percentile)
Height: 27 1/2 inches (97th percentile)

One time, one of our friends joked that Clark wasn't just getting milk from me, but that he was getting milkshakes. I am seriously starting to wonder.

Monday, March 27, 2006

The well adjusted child

Everytime Clark goes down for a nap or for bed, he ALWAYS wakes up crying...and it's not just like a weak wah, come and get me, I'm hungry's usually a HURRY HURRY I MIGHT DIE FROM STARVATION cry. I have been waiting for the day when my child would wake up and I would walk into his room and find him cooing to himself...but to no avail. I hate all those know-it-all parenting books that say if your child does this, it means you have a happy and 'well adjusted' child, and I think, what does that even mean?! They have no idea what they are talking about! I bet these doctors don't even have their own children!!

...and then, this morning, it happened. I walked in and found Clark laying on his tummy, eyes wide open, sucking his thumb and making goo noises. I love that my child is so happy and well's true, ALL the parenting books say so and they are SO right. :-)

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Lay-Z Boy

We sat Clark on the lazy boy yesterday (under careful watch, I assure you...see previous) and he sat there happily for a really long time while watching mom and dad clean up. He is even starting to get the pensive finger to forehead look down (more like finger to the cheek right now).

Friday, March 24, 2006

Legs Up!

The other night when I went to change Clark's diaper, I noticed that when I undid his diaper tabs, he would immediately put his legs up. It seems our little guy has figured out that whenever he hears that noise, I put his legs up to change his diaper. He now preempts me. He usually smiles when he does it too, as if to say 'beat ya mom! I know what you are up to'. It makes me wonder what else he has figured out that we are unaware of...

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The Master

When we first put Clark in his swing, we wondered if he would ever notice all the cool toys in front of him as well as the flying bears above him. Slowly but surely he first noticed the bears, then he all of the sudden became aware of the two cool toys in front. He has now mastered playing with the toys in front...and he loves staring at the bears still...I just hope he doesn't get bored soon. The swing is a lifesaver!

Monday, March 20, 2006

A Lesson Learned

Today Tanner asked me to take a picture of him to send to the law firm he will be working for this summer. I was holding Clark, so I laid him down on the couch (can you see where this is leading?). I took a few pictures and while Tanner and I were looking them over, we heard this 'thump'. We looked over and Clark was lying face down on the rug. We both ran over and picked him up. Only then did he start crying (probably due to the terrified look on both of his parents' faces). Apparently this has happened to the best of parents, but it didn't stop us from feeling like the worst parents EVER today! Luckily, Clark either forgives fast or forgets fast, and he was once again his happy self a few minutes later. The only funny part about this story was how his parents were both vying for consoling time with the little guy, so we had to take turns*.

*note: after taking this picture I demanded a turn!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Daddy's Little Boy

Tonight we had some friends over to play games, and Clark had just woken up from his nap. He was still a little sleepy, and we gave him to our friend Clint to hold. Clint started making noises to try to get him to smile and was very animated in his a result, Clark suddenly got a look of terror on his face and he started to whimper and then cry. Clint immediately handed him back to Tanner and the second Clark caught sight of Tanner and realized he was back with his dad, he immediately calmed down. It was the first time that it has been undeniably apparent to us that he truly knows his daddy and recognizes him as a source of comfort.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Thumb, Fist, or Finger?

We have discovered Clark likes variety when it comes to what he chooses to suck on. Currently however, he does seem to have a favorite of the three...and the winner is???

The index finger!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Tummy Time!

How can anyone resist this face?
He hasn't rolled over yet, but we think he is starting to understand that his little body can do lots of cool things! He found his kneecaps yesterday, so I guess the feet are next!
Mom and son acknowledge daddy's presence in the midst of their important tummy lesson!