Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Great Debate

We have been impressed by the apparent similarities in appearance between our two boys, and thought we would put those similarities to a test. Below are pictures of Clark and Andrew, or Andrew and Clark, or Andrew, Clark, Clark, Andrew, Clark, Andrew, or ... you get the idea. Give it a go and see if you can pick which is which (come on, its not like you have anything more important to do than analyze our kids). Oh, and please don't peak at the previous blog in order to look for clues that would distinguish the two, because, well, your soul would be in peril, and we simply don't want that. Answers will be forthcoming (the suspense is going to be crazy, I know).

And here they are:








Melanie said...

The standard issue hospital blankie sure isn't going to help anyone. ;)

Melanie said...

That was from Tricia btw...I'm doing some housekeeping over on Mel's blog.

Melanie said...

Alright, this is really melanie now--and I'll give you that they look A LOT a-like because Trish and I had to combine our super intelligence together and we believe:
1. Clark
2. Andrew
3. Andrew
4. Clark
5. Clark
6. Andrew

Anonymous said...

1-2-5-4 are clarki am pretty sure.

Melody said...

I have NO IDEA who is who, but they sure are beautiful!

Sara said...

Hey Cherylyn!

Congratulations on your new little boy! He is adorable (and so is Clark). Pop gave me your blog address a little while ago and I have enjoyed keeping up with what is going on in your life. If you have time, check out our blog at I have a lot to do on it, but at least it's a start. In the meantime, I wish you an easy recovery and many happy moments with your boys!

Vonae said...

Well- I'll give it a try. I say that Clark is 1&4. The reason why is the cheeks. Clark was a bigger baby so I'm guessing he would haver bigger cheeks. They could all be the same baby because they do look so much alike. I hope that your recovering ok. I heard that there was some problems.

Steph said...

I agree with Melanie - 1, 4 & 5 are Clark. I think that #5 was the hardest to decide on.

Unknown said...

I really don't have a clue, just one guess. #4 is Clark because of his lighter hair.

Ashlea said...

I want to say that all the ones with hats are Clark, but then #4 looks a little bigger than 5 lber Im gonna say
1) Clark (for sure)
2) Andrew
3) Andrew
4) Clark
5) Andrew
6) Andrew

Im anxiously waiting to find out!!