Wednesday, November 23, 2011

U.N Day

So just before U.S. Thanksgiving, Clark’s school holds a U.N. Day where all the children come dressed up in some kind of native attire from their country and perform a concert for the parents.  There are also country booths set up in the cafeteria that are manned by parent volunteers and parents are also encourage to do country presentations in the children’s classes some time during the week.  It was fun to see all the different countries that are represented at our international school and it was fun being an American amidst all of it too.  I baked chocolate chip cookies for the USA booth, and I had a blast going into Clark’s class and talking about the founding of America and making statue of Liberty crowns with all of the kids.  They loved them!!  There are 19 kids in Clark’s class from at least 13 different countries.   It’s amazing.


(I love that they put us and Canada next to each other Winking smile)




Vonae said...

What a great experience for Clark to go to school with such a diversity of people. Sounds like a fun day.

Steph said...

Love the Statue of Liberty hats!