Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Most Fun Thing I've Ever Done

Tonight as I was tucking Clark into bed:

Clark: "Mom, when I am like 12, 13, or 14 years old, like a teenager, I don't want to have any more birthdays.  I just want to stay that age."

Me:   "Why wouldn't you want to have any more birthdays?"

Clark: "Because when you become a Mom or a Dad, you don't get to play with your friends anymore."

Me:  "But I get to play with my friends all the time.  I get to play with Katie, Ellie's Mom, and I get to go play tennis with my other friends."

Clark:  "But most of the time, not just sometimes, you don't play, you just TALK with your friends, and that isn't nearly as fun as playing."

Me:  "But the most fun things I have ever done in my whole life have happened since I became as old as a Mom."

Clark:  "What did you do?"

Me:  "Me and your dad had you, Andrew, and Audrey.  That is the most fun thing I have ever done, and even though sometimes we get mad or sad at you, we have the most fun doing stuff with you guys."

Clark:  "Really?  I thought you were going to say something you have done fun with your friends!"  (and then he sheepishly laughs while grabbing me around the neck and hugging me.)

Me:  "Nope, you are definitely the most fun thing ever!"

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