Thursday, March 26, 2009

Rainbow Road/Brite

So, there's a story here.

Ever since we got the Wii and MarioKart, every time we do Rainbow Road, Tanner busts out singing "Rainbow Road, see the shining light!"

For a while, it sounded somewhat familiar, I just couldn't place it and I just played along as if I knew exactly why he would do this every time. I wanted to look cool in front of my husband, is that such a crime after 6 1/2 years? Anyway, one day I finally got the guts to ask him exactly what it all meant and he said "Rainbow Brite! Come on!" He SAYS he learned it from his sister watching the show...uh huh...we'll give him the benefit of the doubt on this one. I think I had tried to sear Rainbow Brite from my childhood memories, but they all came flooding back.

So, I was playing MarioKart with Clark the other day, and he decided he wanted to do Rainbow soon as it came up on the screen he busts out with "Rainbow Road, see the shining light!" out of the clear blue. I laughed so hard and had to ask him to do it again for the camera, which he oh so willingly agreed to do.

So before I posted the video tonight, I went to (oh yes, it exists) and just had to listen to the original Rainbow Brite Theme Song.

Okay, how AWESOME was that?!!!

Now, I dare you to listen to the Rainbow Brite Theme Song TECHNO REMAKE. Go ahead, click, you know you want will be in your Itunes library in no time. ;-)


Steph said...

Heath remembers Taryn watching it all the time too - and he can sing the song (at least part of it)!

nanamoo said... it!

papasmallows said...

OK...out of the three...Original score, techno remake and Clark...I pick Clarkie!

Vonae said...

Okay so we haven't been keeping up as much as we should, but
the rainbow brite thing was watched at Grandma White's back in the days of videos, yeah and it was Taryn's pick.
no comment on whether I can sing the song or not.