Saturday, July 24, 2010

Lollipops and Futsol!

We had a busy Saturday! It felt good to be out and about almost as if we have lived here forever, except for the fact that the minature golf place that supposedly exists does NOT in fact exist any longer, and is instead a big trash pile with homeless people living there. So instead, we went over to the mall and showed dad Lollipops and you would have thought Tanner was 5 years old again. He had a blast running around with the boys and shooting the ball guns at the other little kids and sliding down the inflatable slides. Even Audrey got in on the action a little bit.The boys had a blast and wore themselves out just in time for us to go home and put everyone down for naps so that Tanner and I could go play tennis with some friends while Siti stayed at home with the kids while they napped. We had fun and won the game. Both of us need some lessons and practice, but we're a good team together.

We returned home just in time to get the kids up and ready to go out again. We had been here oh about a week when Tanner found out about the embassy's futsol team. It's like soccer but is on a much smaller field so it is super quick and fast. It is very entertaining to watch because there is always a lot going on and more goals seem to be scored. Tanner of course had to get in on the action. His back apparently is feeling great...until it doesn't ;-). The team had a game Saturday evening that was a two hour marathon of 4 games. We decided to be crazy and take the whole family. It actually ended up to be a lot of fun. The boys played with a soccer ball back behind where the game was being played and the place provided drinks and snacks gratis so everyone was happy! Audrey chilled in the baby bjorn and slept through most of it. Clark got a soccer ball right in the face when he was watching the game a little too close to the neting and someone on the opposing team just happened to kick the ball in just the exact right spot to have the ball go hurtling into the net and into Clark's face. Sweet. Clark decided he was done watching after that and found a kid playing a DS and zoned out watching him play the rest of the time. Andrew was the dance machine and got down and boogied to the music that was playing in the back ground. Tanner scored two awesome off of some guys face (not the face of the guy that got Clark in the face;-). Anyway, it was so much fun talking to more locals and playing with them. Everyone was super nice and it was just a fun night out with the fam watching dad play.

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