Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Time Out Location?

I had just finished folding all the laundry, which by the way, I don't mind folding, but I LOATHE putting away, when I saw Clark playing around the laundry basket. I immediately thought of the picture that my sisters and I LOVE of my Dad carrying Tricia in a trashcan/laundry basket with her head poking out when she was little. Sooooo, I plopped Clark in to see what he looked like. Tanner and I were cracking up laughing, but Clark just looked at us with his classic Stone Face (which he inherited from his mother). I don't think he loved it in there, which gave me the idea to maybe use it for time-out one day. But that would require 1) that Clark actually need a time out and 2) that the basket NOT be overflowing with dirty laundry ... both of which are a rare occurence indeed.


Steph said...

That's funny because I'm exactly the same way. I usually fold the clothes as I'm taking them out of the dryer but then they sit there in the laundry basket waiting to be put away for days sometimes...

nanamoo said...

you crack me up!