Wednesday, May 23, 2007


We stayed in Annapolis Tuesday night because we wanted to tour the Naval Academy and the town the following day. As we were checking out of the hotel, a man said to us "you should hurry because they are closing down the entrances into the campus for the air show". Air show? What air show? We came to find out that it was graduation week at the Academy and the Blue Angels were coming to perform as part of the weeks festivities. I just have to take a moment and say that sometimes it seems like everything that can go wrong on a trip does go wrong or you just miss the one cool thing that was in town the day before you visited, but every once in a while, something great happens that you didn't even plan for...and today was one of those days for us. We were able to get on campus early and take a wonderful tour after which Tanner and I decided we would love it if Clark wanted to go there for school. We then went and found some great seats for the Blue Angels air show. It was amazing! I can't even describe it. Tanner said after that it was one of the coolest things he had EVER seen. Clark loved watching the jets fly over, and he only got scared once when the engines got really loud. It seemed even more special because we were surrounded by midshipmen in their uniforms. I remarked how we started the week visiting the Wright Brother's memorial seeing the very beginning of flight, and to then see where we are now with FA 18 Hornets flying through the air like it is nothing is nothing short of remarkable.
This is the entrance to the midshipmen it is the largest dormitory in the US.


nanamoo said...

how awesome to have those two experiences so close!

Linda Carter said...

well you are a carter... carters + airshows = your dad must be so proud! haha...