Sunday, June 13, 2010


When we moved to England when I was 9 years old, one of the first things people said to us was, "are you getting over your jetlag?" I thought it was some kind of serious illness and was worried about what other horrific things England might have in store if we already got Jetlag and we were just there a couple of days! My family soon set me straight after much laughter at my expense and apparently, I was so traumatized by their jeering that I have never forgot about it...thanks fam! ;-)

I have thought about that over the last couple of days as our entire family has been getting over our Jetlag...Indonesia style. The first night we were all up at some point between 11:30pm and 4am...AWESOME for Mom! The second night we did a little better, but Andrew was up for about 3 hours straight although he was good and just laid in his bed (we have caved and given him his pacie back while we adjust...yeah yeah I know...SAVE IT). Last night was a lot better...both boys made it through the night, but Audrey decided to act up, and Tanner keeps waking up and wanting to talk between 2am-4am. I am just grateful for any sleep I get when I can get it. We did actually see the end of the England vs. USA soccer game live. It was on at 1:30am here! But I must say, there is one perk of having jetlag...and there really is only one...
(the view from our living room window at 5:30am)


Melanie said...

wow...i've been reminiscing our england jet lag days lately thinking about you. glad you are recovering.

nanamoo said...


Tricia said...

A PACI!! :)

V. cool pic.

Steph said...

Beautiful picture! I hope everyone gets on a regular schedule soon!