Thursday, November 27, 2008

Turkey Day

I woke up on Thanksgiving kind of in my pre-school mode. It was Thursday after all, so I gathered all the kids up on the third floor and they each designed their own head of feathers. They were all so cute, and I made ones for Bella, Clark, and Andrew as well. Jonah insisted he use the one he made in school which was also very cute. Dinner was awesome...and Dan really is The Man in the kitchen...along with my Mom doing the rolls (even though I was sad I wasn't assigned to them this year) and Tricia with all of the fixings. Our family does a tradition where we go around the table and tell our BAG's for the year (Blessing, Accomplishment, and a Goal for the next year). Here was mine:

Blessing: Living so close to family in Florida and having really good friends here in the D.C. area.

Accomplishment: Staying relatively sane through the craziness that was Andrew's birth, Tanner's subsequent back surgery two weeks later, and moving back to Virginia 3 weeks after that.

Goal: Be more patient and do more fun things with my kids!

My two little turkeys


nanamoo said...

Love the turkeys!

adventure knitter said...

holy sac your boys are getting so big! is andrew really that big now?! they grow so fast!