Friday, October 27, 2006

Walk like a man!

Clark took his first steps this past week! He has bit it hard a few times, but he is a determined little boy and tries to indulge us as I now deem it "Walking Time!" about every five minutes. I love seeing him take one or two steps and then go into surfer mode as he tries to balance himself. I think he enjoys the goofy looks on his parents' faces every time he takes a step. Obviously at this point he still prefers crawling, but with this new development, his birthday next month, and the beginning of the weaning process, he seems to be growing up so fast!


Tricia said...

he IS growing up so fast

Steph said...

Good job Clark!

nanamoo said...

i can't wait for him to show off his walking skills at christmas!

Melanie said...

Amazing boy! He needs to give Elliot lessons.