Saturday, December 9, 2006


For those of you who are familiar with the show "24", each episode is one hour of one day where everything goes wrong. The one day is 5 1/2 months on television. That is how my "24" felt. Each hour was a full episode, and what was only really just one day, felt like 5 1/2 months. It started with...

"Excuse me, I think I am going to go to the bathroom and throw up."

That's never a good thing. I was just delusional in thinking that it would just be a one time thing. I felt better for about five minutes...maybe...and then I knew it wasn't over. I pretty much spent the night in the bathroom. Clark even got in on the action at about 1:30am when he decided to wake up and not go back down. I was trying to get him back to sleep by bouncing him in my arms in front of the warm fireplace/pellet stove, when my stomach decided it was time...again for the 4th time. I had to put my crying child on the ground, and crying turned into screaming, while I booked it for the bathroom. It was very sad, for both of us.

We needed to leave for the airport at 6:30am, and I think I ended up getting a restless two hours sleep, and when I awoke, it started all over again. Melanie could not have been a better sister to me during my time of need. I cried on the way to the airport, so tired, so weak, and so worried that I would not make it through the flight with Clark on my lap without my stomach striking again. Melanie did not want to leave me and she said she wished she could come with me on the plane. I wished she could too. Luckily a very nice couple sat next to Clark and I and entertained him for most of the 1 hr and 15 min. flight. I was able to make it through the flight and when we saw Tanner as we came out of the terminal, I cried again. I said "I have never been so happy to see you!" He said "Come on, even more than on our wedding day?" I said "I don't know, it's a toss up."
He took care of me the rest of the day...and almost 24 hours from the moment it all began, it was over. It was awful, I'm glad it's over and I'm still alive...just like Jack Bauer.


Steph said...

How miserable! I'm glad it only lasted 24 hours - but absolutely the worst 24 hours!!!

Melanie said...

You were such a poor thing...I wish you didn't have to go through that. :(