Saturday, April 1, 2006

The Towheads

On Friday night at 7pm, it was 72 degrees outside. We were so excited to be able to take Clark outside at night without any blankets or heavy clothing. We decided to take a walk and stop at the Micky D's up the street and get a bite to eat. As I sat across from the two of them while eating, I realized what a lucky girl I was to have such cute men in my life. I guess if you put me in the picture, we are quite the towhead spectacle!

P.S. Since I did not know what a towhead was until everyone started calling Clark one (and I mean EVERYONE), below is the official definition. When people first started saying things like "he is such a cute towhead", I assumed that it had something to do with his blonde hair, but I, being a towhead myself, felt kind of stupid not knowing for sure what it meant, and I certainly wasn't going to ask someone since I was sure I would be stepping into THE blondest of blonde moments. I only felt better when Tanner leaned over to me one day and said "What the heck is a towhead?" I even spelled it toehead orginially for this blog, until I thought I should find out exactly what it meant, and after Googling 4 different times: toehead, toe head, and tow head, I finally got to the all correct towhead. How is that for blonde?

towhead (noun): a head of light-colored or tousled hair.


nanamoo said...

you are three towheads for sure...but Clark is the cutest!

Tricia said...

LOLOLOL--that IS SO blonde!

Melanie said...

Before I scrolled down, I said to Spencer, "What the heck is a towhead?" I guess I have a few blonde streaks after all (but I think we all already knew that)!