Friday, February 23, 2007

Worry In America

Tonight Tanner and I watched a great show. It was a 20/20 program special called "Scared Stiff: Worry In America". Some of the things we had heard before like:

Children who grow up on farms have fewer illnesses than children who live in cleaner, sterile environments.


The rate of kidnappings has stayed constant over the last 20 years.

But we learned some other very interesting information that we did NOT know. Did YOU know:

Vaccines do NOT cause Autism. The seeming increase in the rate of Autism is the result of changes in diagnoses. The diagnosis rate of Retardation has fallen at almost the exact same rate as the increase of Autism diagnoses.

Since medicines have been required to have safety caps on them, there have been an average of 3,500 more accidental poisonings reported every year. The reason cited is because people assume they are safe and leave them in areas that are accessible to children, or some people leave them open because they are too difficult to reopen.

Children are more likely to die at a house with a pool than at a house that has a gun in it.

Cellular phones to not cause tumors.
In fact, we have a lot of reasons NOT to worry:

2/3 of Americans who are diagnosed with cancer today are cured.

Infant mortality is 1/4 of what it was 50 years ago.

We are living an average of 30 years longer than they did at the turn of the last century.

Pollution in major cities and major waterways is the lowest it has been in the last 100 years. (I was SHOCKED by this one).

Our drinking water is the cleanest it has ever been.

In other words, life IS GOOD.


Steph said...

With all the studies that I have read, I do not think that any study at this point can totally rule out vaccines as a possible cause of autism. Also, while infant morality has decreased significantly over the last 50 years, why is it that the U.S. with all of its great medical technology is ranked 43 in the world for infant mortality rates (meaning that 42 countries have lower rates than the U.S. - the lowest being Singapore at 2.29 and the U.S. is 6.43 for the year 2006).

Melanie said...

I personally enjoyed learning that your child is FIVE times more likely to be swept up in a tornado than be kidnapped.

Unknown said...

Hi, I'm a friend of Mels, and I really enjoyed this blog. I have some interesting facts about babies. I just read the book, Our Babies, Ourselves by Meredith Small.
American babies cry longer than others, they sleep less, and instances of SIDS and colic are practically unheard of in other countries. Small blames American culture of independence. While trying to raise independent children we are avioding a babies natual needs. She advocates sleeping with your infants, breast feeding on demand, and holding them much more. While most of her suggestions seem crazy, it really gave me something to think about.

Sorry to go off on my book report, and your little boy is so cute.