Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Ode to T-Mobile

My dear T-Mobile
so sorry to leave,
it was not my intent,
and for this I now grieve.

You see T-Mobile,
my family does not
belong to your network
I am so distraught!

It's not the jingle
Although pretty cool
Hear it now on You-Tube
See, I am no fool!

I tried to explain!
The man on the line
He did not understand
He started to whine

I stuck to my guns
he could not deny
Cingular is better
And now you know why!

I have made the switch and will be up online by Friday at the latest! I apologize for my poetic attempt, there was definitely a reason I was not an English major.


Melanie said...

LOL, welcome to cingular my friend!

Tricia said...

So glad I could help! ;)