Thursday, June 12, 2008

Cuppy Cakes

Clark loves cupcakes. Well, I must clarify. He loves anything that has massive amounts of sugar in it. I decided to be a good mom today and bake some with him. I got him all excited for it, and he was up on a chair by the counter and I was pulling all of my ingredients out to make them i.e. betty crocker cake mix box, vegetable oil, water, and eggs...

WHAT! NO EGGS??!!! I looked at Clark and he got the sadest sweetest look on his face when I said we had no eggs so we couldn't make his cuppy cakes. I felt so bad that I decided to go wake up poor Andrew who had just gone down for a nap not 20 minutes previous and load my kids into the car just to go to the store to get some eggs. Going out shopping with two little kids by myself can be kind of an ordeal so I try to lump all my errands into one or two days a week so that I can get it all done at this was a big deal for me to do this JUST for some eggs...but apparently Clark knows how to work THE FACE so that he gets what he wants.

But, I have to was totally worth it.


Melanie said...

Too cute dude.

Steph said...

Good job Clark!

papasmallows said...

One question...Did Clark get to take the beater to his room after licking it? :-))


Megan said...

you have to spoil him SOMETIMES right?