Tuesday, June 3, 2008

This Little Piggy...

I can't believe what this kid can remember, even if it is sometimes in the wrong order and is some random nursery rhyme that makes no sense! However, I did a quick search about this nursery rhyme and found out that it dates back to 1728...now I feel proud I am carrying on the Tradition! Tradition!

This morning we were out on the deck playing and I didn't have any shoes on. I got a sliver in my left big toe, and I spent the next 10 minutes digging it out with tweezers. Clark was very concerned as he watched me perform my minor surgery, and he looked up at me at one point and said "Mama, hurty on toe that went to the market!"


nanamoo said...

That is so adorable...LOL

Tricia said...

Nah, the one that eats roast beef!

Mama said...

OK - that made me snort!

papasmallows said...

I can't believe I didn't get credit for him knowing this. :-)) I feel like the piggy who had none! hehehehehehehehehe

Cherylyn said...

You totally deserve the credit for him knowing this!!! I'm sorry I forgot. Credit goes to PAPA!!!!